Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter in Pohnpei

Hello All 

Well it been a few weeks since I updated the blog, so today I will do a few updates.

Easter in Pohnpei is a fun time for the kids. Not only is it the start of Spring Break (yes, it seems like they are never at school). They have a week and a bit off school leading into the easter weekend.

All the plans for Spring break went by the wayside due to the weather.................yes it rained for the whole week. So plans to go out to some of the islands and do some exploring meant the kids were limited to the compound, movies and other inside activities.

In the lead up to Easter, Bett an Jeff organised for all the kids to decorate real eggs to be hidden for an Easter Egg hunt. The kids spent an afternoon painting and decorating eggs. 
Chocolate eggs arent really available here so thanks to our wonderful neighbours , the kids still woke on Easter morning having been visited by the Easter Bunny (with Australian Easter Eggs). The bunny even remembered that Zara doesnt really eat Brown chocolate.

In the afternoon a Easter Egg hunt was arranged at Steve and Uta's house followed by a "big" pot luck. They have been doing this for years and go to alot of effort to ensure the kids have a good time.
They hide the real painted eggs all around their garden and the big kids actually have to follow a treasure hunt with clues till they find the treasure.
It was a great day for all involved with eggs traded for "candy" on completion. Suffice to say Joshua had alot of sugar this day.


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